
Showing posts from December, 2023

FYS Final Paper: Marriage Rights In the United States

Themes: hybridity  intersectionality citizenship/legitimacy historical events affecting the LGBT community marriage social construction(of race and gender)      Historically, the institution of marriage in the United States has been malleable, with the definition of marriage and who can get married changing over time. The United States federal government did not even recognize marriage in legal terms until the Revenue Act of 1913, where it outlined a tax-break applicable to married couples (Levy). The regulation of marriage is left to the states as a reserved power, outlined by the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution’s Bill of Rights as any power not delegated to the federal government. The result of this is the absence of an early federal definition or regulation of marriage. Outside of federal jurisdiction, however, marriage is defined as “a legal union between a man and a woman for life”(Webster’s Dictionary) given “(1) the parties' legal ability to marry ea...